7 Signs You Might Have Eye Cataracts

7 Signs You Might Have Eye Cataracts

At Slingsby and Huot Eye Care Associates in Rapid City, SD, we know how scary it can be to be diagnosed with cataracts. Fortunately, our team is here to help you every step of the way and get you the eye care you need to improve your vision and quality of life. Here are seven signs you might have eye cataracts and require cataract care or surgery.

7 Signs You Might Have Eye Cataracts

Blurry Vision

If your vision suddenly becomes blurry, it might be a sign of cataracts. When the eye's lens becomes cloudy from a cataract, it blocks light and can make it difficult to see clearly. Because blurry vision is one of the first signs, it's essential to be aware and get the eye care you need.

Glare and Halos

Many people with cataracts experience increased glare from lights and halos around them, making driving difficult at night. If you experience this symptom, getting your eyes checked as soon as possible is vital.

Double Vision

If you're experiencing double vision when looking at things straight on, it could be a sign of cataracts. Some people with cataracts experience double vision in one eye, known as monocular diplopia. Double vision can be a serious issue and should be addressed by a professional.

Fading Colors

Cataracts can cause colors to appear faded or washed out. The colors in question may include your clothes or furniture in your home. In addition, cataracts can also cause difficulty distinguishing between shades of the same color. Therefore, if you notice that colors seem dull or difficult to differentiate, it could be a sign of cataracts.

Poor Night Vision

People with cataracts often have difficulty seeing in dark environments or at night. Access darkness is caused by the cloudy lens, which blocks light from entering the eye. People with cataracts might also experience difficulty seeing in bright light and find that colors appear washed out.

Fading Contrast

If you're having difficulty distinguishing between objects of different shades, this could be a sign of cataracts. This symptom can make it difficult to see even in bright lights and interfere with your ability to distinguish objects, people, and written text.

Clouding of the Lens

The most common symptom of cataracts is the clouding of the eye's lens. This clouding can cause various symptoms, from blurry vision to fading colors and poor night vision. If you notice your vision is becoming cloudy or hazy, it's essential to get checked out by a professional.

Schedule Your Eye Care Appointment Today

At Slingsby and Huot Eye Care Associates, we understand the importance of providing comprehensive care for patients. Our ophthalmology experts are highly trained and experienced in cataract treatment, surgery, and care. If you're experiencing these seven signs of cataracts, schedule your appointment as soon as possible. For your convenience, we have outreach clinics in Rapid City, Pierre, Belle Fourche, Spearfish, SD Chadron, NE. Call our office at (605) 719-9499 to schedule your appointment.

Hours of Operation

*We also offer 24-hour emergency on-call service that allows you peace of mind, even on nights and weekends.*


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